
Showing posts from January, 2024

My First Post! An introduction

 About me       Hello! My name is Kylee Colbert and I am 22 years old. I have been living in Las Vegas, Nevada for about 2 years now with my mom and boyfriend. Before I moved to Nevada I lived in Fairbanks, Alaska for about 15 years. I was born here in Las Vegas and moved to Fairbanks when I was 5, so I moved back with my mom when I got older because I wanted to know what my birthplace is like. I currently work as a receptionist at a salon by my house, but I am in the middle of job searching for a new and better opportunity and hope to find something more in my field of education. I am working towards a major in psychology and have not yet honed in on a specific career path but I know that I want to stay within my major.  I have always valued art and making time for creativity in our everyday lives but I'm not as in touch with my artistic side as I used to be, so I hope to be able to bring that part of my life back out again. My relationship with art is very beginner in the sense t